Save 20% on EBS storage

Save 20% on EBS Storage by upgrading to GP3

What is AWS GP3?

AWS announced the availability of gp3, the next-generation general purpose SSD volumes for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) that enable customers to provision performance independent of storage capacity and scale IOPS (input/output operations per second) throughput without needing to provision additional block storage capacity, and pay only for the resources they need.gp3 volumes are available in all AWS commercial and gov cloud regions. Currently, 98% of deployed EBS volumes are in gp2.

What is the benefit?

20% lower price-point per GB than existing gp2 volumes & max throughput.

Do I need downtime to migrate gp3?

Users can easily migrate gp2 volumes to gp3 volumes using Elastic Volumes, which is an existing feature of Amazon EBS. Elastic Volumes allow customers to modify the volume type, IOPS, or throughput of their existing EBS volumes without interrupting their Amazon EC2 instances.

For more info visit AWS website






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